Improve Your Online Workouts: Discover CrossHero Live
Just a few months ago, to imagine teaching online workouts to your CrossFit students it seems completely unthinkable. However, the changes that we need to follow to adapt to the new life because of the spread of the COVID-19, have made online workouts a real necessity today.
In CrossHero we are a living community, and because of that, we have developed CrossHero Live. A solution that will help your fitness or CrossFit center to optimize the development of all your online workouts.
What is CrossHero Live?
CrossHero Live is the new function of the CrossHero fitness app, which allows the connection of our CrossHero fitness software with all the online meeting platforms available, such as, Zoom, Facebook, YouTube, etc.
All the links available for the online workouts will be shown at the “Schedule” screen.
Thanks to this new function, your CrossFit center will have the opportunity to notify all its athletes of which online workouts will be able to be watching live and which ones will not; giving the athlete the opportunity to choose the workout that best suits for them.
All of this without looking for new formulas to notify them any changes in the schedules.
What are the Advantages of CrossHero Live Compared to other Fitness Apps?
The main goal of CrossHero is to adapt to the needs of the fitness center following the current caution measures for the pandemic. That’s the reason and the difference of what happens with other CrossFit training apps, with CrossHero you will be able to connect with every single meeting platform available online, no matter which one it is.
And when we say all, it means all of them: Zoom, Hangouts, Facebook Live, Meet, Join Me, Go To Meeting, YouTube Live, Instagram Live, etc. Did I forget any? In this way, if you were already had chosen an online platform for the development of your online workouts you won’t have any issue.
You will just need to simply incorporate the link on CrossHero. YOU CAN COUNT WITH US!
Besides that, with CrossHero Live you will have the option to send “push notifications” to the smartphones of your athletes once that the online workout is about to start.
We understand that in many cases, some of the issues that we were facing during the contingency were because of the jet lag of spend too much time at home. But with this little CrossHero “push notifications” all your athletes will be ready when the online workout starts.
How to Use CrossHero Live?
As always, the CrossHero goal is to offer you the easiest way to work daily. Therefore, you need to be familiar with creating the online workouts for your CrossFit or fitness center with our app.
To continue, please find below the steps that you must follow to create your online workouts:
- Login to your CrossHero account
- Go to your “Admin” tab and next click in the “Settings” tab
- Choose the “Programs” tab. Here you can use our “WOD @ Home” program or upload a new one with the “+” sign that is located on the right corner in this screen
- Once that you finish your new CrossHero Live “Program” you need to go to the “Schedule” tab
- Now in the “Schedule” tab you need to add the schedule to your “Program”
- At this point you will found the option “Live” and below, the sentence “What are live classes?” just click in it and leave it marked.
- Then it will appear a blank space to fill it with the link for the online workout. And as we explained you before, you can use the link of any platform you want.
- Save the schedule and that’s it.
- Your athletes will be able to choose the CrossHero Live Program in the main screen of the app.
Should I Continue with the Online Workouts of my Fitness Center?
Whether you are considering to continuing with your online workouts or not, we strongly believe that you should.
There are many gyms that are doing it, and if you not, it could be an enough reason for many of your athletes to quit their membership and will end up looking for other alternatives that could give them this option.
Also, we know that many “boxes” choose the option to post the WOD on their social networks. Although this is ok, it is recommended that you save some time during the day to do some online workout.
This will allow you the direct contact with the athletes that couldn’t come to the box. In addition they will be able to follow their evolution, and will give you the chance also to gives them a feedback and track also their results to motivate them and mainly to keep in touch.
Just remember, with CrossHero RESULTS MATTER!
As a tip, in case that this situation goes on (WE HOPE NOT), it is convenient that to keep your box activity as normal as possible; you need try to create as many online workouts as possible, since each person’s schedule are very different.
This doesn’t mean that you will have 3 or 4 CrossHero Live classes; you can also record the online workout and leave the link posted, so your athletes can take the class whenever they want.
We hope that this CrossHero Live function is useful to you and that very soon your box can get back to normal activities. Until then, remember that CrossHero will be by your side during this crisis.